2nd Annual Phoenix Rising Dance Festival
Divine Chaos Tribal® Fusion, LLC presents the 2nd Annual Phoenix Rising Dance Festival®.
Grab your zills and your hip scarf! Phoenix Rising Dance Festival® is exploding onto the valley’s dance scene this fall, in a decadent celebration of the joy of bellydancing. The general public and dancers alike are invited to enjoy over 8 hours of spellbinding dance performances from community members and professionals alike, stretch their limits in over 20 hours of workshop from internationally acclaimed instructors, enjoy a special night out at the Masquerade Ball After Party and All Pro Gala Showcase, and peruse colorful jewelry and dance couture from the vendors lining the festival hall.
Join us in the beautiful Polly Rosenbaum Building (formerly the El Zaribah Shrine Auditorium) on November 4th from 10am-11pm and November 5th for intensive workshops at Dance Fusion Studios.